beastiary GMO
Fascinated by the animal world, I follow with interest its life,attitudes,peculiarites.
As a contemporary man I have to fight although information distorsions, educational privations and lack of knowledge that modify my memory and conception of such animal world.
I had to explain, for instance,to my child that an egg is not a product of the supermarket and that its shell is not a container as many other wrappingscontaining a final product to use at home, but a natural product, gift of a not much familiar subject of the farmyard.
From here follows the fera or nightmare of the originof the animals of the “beastiary GMO” (Genetically Modified Organisms)
Therefore the nightmare generates forms and figures that representwhat is a not near future we could happen to encounter.
Such fears are onirical creations, fantasies consequences of a unconditional love and a franciscan vision of the world,where evrything is, yes foodchain and therefore law of necessity, but with roles and definition that are clear and without any distortion at mere laws of the economical market.
My conceptions of the Bestiary GMO is a therapeutic and artistic aid, using distortions and forms of materials of everyday life that can recall to a life that does not existsanymore and to peculiarites of the animals under issue, as for instance the little donkey”Tatillo”, made of ceramics but with a head of steel of pridefull and doubtfull of the transparency of the world where it lives.
In the creations and fusion of the different elements that I create, the vital force of life, muche serious and meantime ironical becomes the fuel of the engine of anartistical inspirations that changes and affirms itself in new and the different ways, because life, at a close look, is in such a way and the artisti s interpreter and main character, Jealous custodian of the events
sawfish GMO
puffer fish GMO
donkeys GMO
caterpillarwatt GMO
escargotrage GMO